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  • In an emergency situation, communication is critical to the safety of first-aid personnel and the effective execution of emergency plans. However, in an emergency, the communication facilities are likely to be damaged:1. Extreme weather, such as the 2015 New Zealand Hunter District flood, may have a
  • Emergency command agencies usually cannot use public network communications for security reasons. Even if a public network is selected, public network communications that were originally available may become unavailable due to disasters and other reasons, and cannot be planned and accurately predict
  • 1 Basic composition and characteristics of 4G mobile communication technology(1) 4G communication technology. The address method used by 4G LTE communication technology is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Multiple Websites, which divides the channel for a given frequency domain and turns i
  • Five hours after the Wenchuan earthquake in China that year, the network was basically paralyzed, and the telephone connection rate recovered 75% within one hour after the Lushan earthquake. What is the reason? It is reported that it is the national strategic document issued by the Ministry of Indus
  • Based on the most advanced 4G wireless telecommunication technolgoy, IFLY LTE Private Network Solution for oil and gas is featured with broadband, low latency and ultra long distance coverage.
  • During the middle and late period of spring defense, the temperature in North China, Northeast China, West China, and Southwest China continued to rise, rainfall was insufficient, dry thunderstorms were frequent, and forest and grassland fire danger levels remained high. According to the three-dimen
  • China is a country with less forest resources. The forest coverage rate and per capita possession are far below the international average. At the same time, China is also a high-fire area. Since the founding of the country, an average of 12,000 forest fires have occurred each year. More than 700,000
  • Earlier we have talked about emergency vehicles, and everyone has come up with such a view: an emergency vehicle is a vehicle that can quickly set up a complete emergency communication system in an emergency, but the prerequisite is that it needs to reach the area quickly.
  • Emergency communication is a communication method that can provide emergency services temporarily and mobilely after emergencies such as guaranteeing combat readiness, rescue and disaster relief, occurrence of terrorist incidents, and failure of communication networks.Emergency communications must f