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Fire brigade emergency communication construction features

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Over the years, the Chinese public security fire brigade has built a city-based dispatching command communication network, which has played an important role in fire fighting and emergency rescue. However, with the continuous development of the economy, various types of major disasters, emergencies, and natural disasters continue to increase. Fire fighting and rescue began to show strong features such as sudden bursts, high technical requirements, difficult disposal, and long combat time, especially Inter-regional coordinated operations are becoming more and more frequent. These have put forward new requirements for command and dispatch and emergency communication work.

At the beginning of 2008, a large-scale rain and snow freezing and a “5.12” Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake occurred in southern China. In the actual disaster disaster rescue, it was demonstrated that the existing wireless communication means of the fire department could not meet the needs of dispatching communication. Reduce the overall command effectiveness of emergency rescue. In order to adapt to the new situation and new needs, it is urgent to strengthen the construction of mobile communication capabilities such as satellite communications and wireless communications, so that the public security fire brigade can quickly establish an independent, vertical, top-down command and dispatch communication network in the event of a major disaster, especially In the case of cross-regional, long-distance, and even the destruction of basic communications and power facilities caused by catastrophic disasters.

Fire emergency communication system

1、 the basic characteristics of modern fire emergency communication system

①the equipment is light and small. The emergency communication equipment is mainly to provide a communication network under special circumstances to ensure the normal emergency rescue work. Therefore, emergency communication equipment needs to be miniaturized in design, ensuring that the equipment is easy to transport and quickly erect, while also saving energy.

②it can be deployed quickly. Whether it is an emergency communication system based on the public network or a dedicated emergency communication system, it should have the characteristics of being able to be quickly deployed. In the face of predictable events such as large gatherings, important holiday attractions, etc., traffic will increase dramatically, and public network-based emergency communications equipment should be able to be quickly deployed to designated areas on demand; in the face of devastating natural disasters, left to firefighting forces The response time will be shorter, and the deployment cycle of the emergency communication system will become more critical.

③the system is energy efficient. The emergency communication environment is generally harsh, and the system that has improved and broken through energy must be the direction of future development. In most emergency situations, the power supply is not perfect. The on-site power supply mode is mainly solar energy storage equipment, diesel generators, and backup batteries. These devices provide relatively small power supply, which is strongly dependent on the emergency communication equipment. contradiction. Therefore, the emergency system should save power as much as possible to meet the long-term and stable operation of the system.

2、the main module of the fire brigade emergency communication

The firefighting units responsible for the major tasks of emergency rescue should be based on the overall requirements of “quick response, flexible mobility, efficient command, and smooth communication”, with satellite communication special network as the mainstay, supplemented by public satellite telephones, short-wave equipment, and ultra-short-wave radio stations. The fire brigade emergency communication system ensures the communication and communication of the fire brigade at any time and any place through various means of communication, and solves the self-contained and independent situation in the case of cross-regional, long-distance, large-scale, especially public network communication. , vertical emergency rescue communication network.

①build a private network for fire satellite communications.

②build a public satellite telephone communication network.

③improve the fire ultra-short wave communication network.

④build a fire short-wave wireless communication network.

⑤build a fire mobile communication command center.

3、the fire brigade emergency communication support mechanism

Emergency communication is a system work. Simply improving the basic equipment of emergency communication can not fully complete the emergency communication work. A complete emergency communication support mechanism needs to be established for the successful completion of the emergency communication work.

①establish an emergency communication team.

②prepare and improve the emergency communication security plan.

③establish and improve the emergency communication linkage mechanism.

④establish and improve the emergency communication training mechanism.

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