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What kind of radios do the military use?

Views: 188     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-07-15      Origin: Site


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1.What is a Tactical MANET Radio?

Tactical MANET Radios are the wireless mobile radio devices which are developed based on mobile ad hoc network (MANET) for buiding up a continuously self-configuring, self-organizing, infrastructure-less network during combat missions.


When disaster or special events happened, emergency people enter into a big area such as remote mountins, desert or dense jungles where GSM LTE coverage is 0 and no any fixed infrastructure. Using tactical MANET radio can rapidly build up a Mobile Ad Hoc Network for long range and clear voice and data direct communication between different action groups in coalition operation.

3.What advantages does the radio need to have fpr meet the military requirement?

  • Rapidly build up a long range, safe and reliable voice communication network without any infrastructure

Ad-hoc network can be created anywhere with movable base stations. All the connection is wireless. It does not need any infrastructure such as GSM network, IP Network, Power supply, etc. 

  • Push-to-start, Rapid deployment, Self-powered

When disaster or special events happened, the communication radios must begin work immediately to build up a stable network for real time voice communiatio. All the radios are self-powered by big capacity battery and the batteries are also quickly replaceable.

  • The communication system is completed

The system includes hardware for communication and software for real time monitoring.

  • Bettery Covarege

In mountains, desert or dense jungles, the communicaton range are required very big. The MANET radios supports extending network range by adding radio devices. And the radio devices quantity is not limited.

  • A variety of Terminals

Tactical MANET Radio is available in compact, handheld, vehicular and base station form-factors, single- or dual-channel radios, different configurations and features the radios provide mobility and scalability across one network for government, military, first-responders, emergency and commercial users.

4. IFLY Defensor Tactical MANET Radio System

For troops on-the-move who require flexibility in their operations and tactical communications, IFLY Defensor Solution provides tactical Mobile Ad Hoc Network solutions.

IFLY Solar Powered Base Station

Defensor-BL8 is a solar powered base station integrated with 30Amp battery and solar pannels. 

The solar pannel is power is 17watts/piece.

Its working frequency band is 136-174/350-390/400-470Mhz

Max 40watts RF Power for ultra large area coverage

It can be installed in a place for permanent use or for emergency network building.

IFLY Tactical Manpack Radio

  • Bodyworn Base Station is MANETfor Individual Soldiers

Defensor-BM3 is integrated the funtions of base station and terminals for network coverage, data relay, clear audio and data sending and receiving in a miniature package. It is used for network extending.

It is special designed for urgent tactical operation with fast and freely moving in emergency events.

The battery is removable type. It can be quickly replaced by a fullly charged battery

MANET Radios

  • Advanced tactical Handheld Radio

Defensor-T4 is an advanced MANET tactical Handheld Radio with IP67 protection level. Users could hold the radio move freely within the ad-hoc network systm with clear voice and accurate GPS information. 

The screen will show you the user's location, direction and distance.

Command Software

  • Command and Dispatch Software

i-SCOUT is a command and dispatch center software installed on the server. It supports Windows operation system serving as the center of emergency system for coordination between the link units (such as Handset or base station ) for the dispatcher to manage networks, monitor devices, locate devices or personnel, query and play back the recording, view alarms, and so on.


Force protection, disaster rescue and modern combat missions demand truly unified communications, especially in the harsh wild environment. IFLY Defensor MANET Solution makes it easy to securely integrate communications across radios, commercial devices, and specialized tactical technologies. Now you can choose the optimal mix of communications tools for your operation.

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