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FIM-2410 Offers Video Transmitting + Telemetry Data Communication In A Single-box Transmitter For Commercial Drones

Views: 253     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-07-14      Origin: Site


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 10km UAV Digital video sender


IFLY, the Developer and Manufacture of wireless HD video Transmitter for drone with long range and short latency, released its 8-12km Long Range (FIM-2410) wireless solution offering communication between drone and ground control station(GCS) with video processing and data analytics which changes the way users utilize videos and flight data captured from cameras and drones.



FIM-2410 is a single box solution for commercial & industrial drones, accounting for control, telemetry and real time full HD video. It extends the 10KM UAV FPV VIDEO TRANSMITTERcapabilities for drone to send its real time HD to GCS and offers GCS a solution to decrease the interference to control the flight at a range of 8-12kilometers.



FIM-2410 offers twice the performance as the industry standard. Today, many drone pilots and professional camera operators are filming and navigating in larger spaces and longer distance. To ensure a productive workflow and an advanced drone flight experience, drone video link solutions offer serial port supporting telemetry for TTL/RS232 data transmitting to control flight. This solution can combine video and control data in one RF channel to avoid interference caused by many radio equipment. FIM-2410 comes equipped with one Ethernet port in each unit, enabling simultaneous one video streaming and one TCP/UDP signal streaming from camera and PC on board sent to GCS.



FIM-2410 Key Features Include:


  • Integrated receiver and optimized omni antenna for real time video

  • Extended multi-directional range of 12km for clear camera video

  • Encryption for a secured wireless video connection

  • Easy plug-and-fly out of the box setup and operation

  • Serial data supports Telemetry MAVLINK protocol

  • Support HDMI Camera, IP Camera PC on board and Flight controller input with the ability to receive video and data process simultaneously

    FIM-2410 interface introduction

  • 3 Interfaces – HDMI, Serial & IP

  • HDMI Audio Input & Output

  • Local recording ability – Output video to PC to record locally also while streaming

  • Real-time Full HD Video, Monitoring, Telemetry and Control in a single unit

  • Tremendous Line-of-Sight performance with a robust link

 Pixhawk 4

"We are excited that our long range wireless technology allows the users see high quality and low latency video one ground in a single solution." says William Law, engineer of IFLY. “At the end of 2019, we will bring the MESH products to support their multi drones application needs.”



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